If you’re wondering what is like to date a Romanian man, you’re in the right place.
I was born and raised in Romania, and I’ll share everything that my fellow Romanian girlfriends, sisters and I know about Romanian men.
A disclaimer is needed here. This article is based on our real experiences but you should keep in mind that not all men are the same – therefore, not all Romanian men are the same. So please take this article with a grain of salt.
Let’s get into it.
What do Romanians look like?
Roots and Origin
Romanians have very diverse roots, and the short story is that they are descendants of the ancient Romans and of the Dacians – a blend between Southern Italians and Sicilians. But in reality, their origins are much more complicated.
To understand the genetics and what’s behind the Romanian DNA, we have to go back in time.
Romania is part of the Eurasian continent, which means that there can’t be such a thing as a “genetically pure” Romanian.
In Eurasia, homo sapiens have been migrating from place to place for at least 40.000 years, making Romanians one of the most diverse populations in entire Europe. (Source: Britannica, National Library of Medicine)
Physical Appearance

Some Romanians look like balkans with dark hair, dark eyes, and olive skin, others look more Scandinavian with fair skinned, blonde with blue eyes, while others are lighter-skinned with red hair.
And blonde Romanian women are very different look-wise from the blonde look from East-Europe (eg. Russia). It’s just something different.
Romanians speak a modified form of Latin and can understand easily other Latin languages like Italian, Spanish, French, and Portuguese.
Height and Weight
Romanian men are not the tallest but they’re also not the shortest, averaging 177.8 cm (5 ft 10 in) according to Wikipedia.
They care about their looks and how they are seen by others in society (their status holds a great role for them). Simply put, they love to show off.
On average, Romanian men weigh around 85 kg with a BMI of 27.1 – slightly overweight. (Source: World Data)
Typically, you can see Romanian men being:
- Fit and athletic with muscles gained either by going to the local gym or by doing agriculture or construction work.
- Slightly chubby yet still incredibly proud of their appearance (they’ll show their pride by wearing the tightest T-shirts)
Romanians are very much into their appearance, wearing their best clothes when they go out of the door in order to impress their “women” or to make other males jealous.
They are seen more and more in hair salons, and will usually use too much hair gel and perfume when they go out.
Their Fashion Style
Their fashion style depends on the area they live in, education and job, but usually it can be split in multiple categories:
- Simple looks: basic t-shirt and jeans (the IT guy, the hustler, the start-up guy)
- Show that they have money look (but they’re actually wearing cheap fakes): big logos on their clothes (from fake Nike, and Adidas brands, to fake luxury brands Louis Vuitton, Balenciaga, etc.), big watches, tight shirts, “gold” chains, bracelets, and shiny “leather” shoes | See the photos below
- Show that they have money and actually wear the real deal look: they will spend lots of money on luxury clothes, but still choose the pieces with the biggest logos available on the market, because they want others to see how rich they are; they’ll also drive a fancy car.
- Classic and elegant: clean-look button-up shirts, jeans, sneakers, tasteful suits (they usually have their own business, or careers in politics, medicine, law, sales .etc and live in big cities)
What to know about dating a Romanian
Meet the “traditional” men
Personality-wise, most Romanian men care a lot about being seen as the “toughest men out there” and they are craving very severely to be described as hyper-masculine ( aka “strong men don’t cry ” kind of vibe).
The traditional romanian single man is always on the hunt, having the urge to give compliments and flirt with every woman they see and like.
They’re very protective of their masculinity (their “toughness” in their eyes) and they’ll usually have homophobic tendencies. They’ll feel less like men if they show support for gay men.
You’ll see them often behind the wheel, with the car windows down, smiling and honking at women walking by. This is a way for them to communicate to the women that they find attractive (aka catcalling).
They’re not badly intended and won’t stalk you home (usually).
The old-fashioned Romanian guy looks for a wife who can cook for them (preferably as good or better than their mother), handle 99% of the household duties (washing clothes, dishes, dusting, cleaning, etc), take care of them in case of sickness, bear their children, and on top of that, have full-time jobs.

This type of man will act like what they call gentlemen, opening doors for women, carrying the heavier stuff, giving women their coats when it’s cold, and providing financially for their family.
They also will have the final say when it’s time to take decisions in the family. They’re also more possessive and jealous with their women.
They typically have a huge ego and will prefer to earn significantly more than their wives, because otherwise, their respect for themselves and their self-esteem will go down. They are highly intimidated by strong independent women.
The typical traditional man likes to go out with the men friends after work for some beers to watch soccer.
They usually don’t cook or do any household stuff except for vacuuming (a “manly” household duty in Romanian culture), taking the trash out, and opening jars.
The old-fashioned Romanian guy has a great – and sometimes very disturbingly close – relationship with his mother.
If you’re marrying a traditional guy, expect your mom-in-law to have a huge role and a big say in your relationship and to receive unsolicited advice on how to raise your children.
The traditional Romanian men are typically more religious (orthodox is the main religion in the country): therefore their strong beliefs on the roles a woman and a man should take in a marriage.
Meet the modern Romanian guy

There are also Romanian men who believe in equality and look for a long-term partner in life with who they can equally share everything.
They’re usually a lot more educated than the rest, and express interest in self-improvement.
They contribute to the household duties and don’t expect their wife to do more than they can do.
They really look for a lifelong partner, who they value and want the best for them, and are not intimidated if their girlfriend or wife earns more than them. On the contrary, they’re happy and proud of them.
They’re sometimes feminists and will fight for the rights of their daughters and wives.
They’ll also show up as fathers and get involved in their kid’s life: from changing diapers, playing together, and doing homework with the kids, to having deep serious talks.
The characteristics of a Romanian man
Generally speaking, Romanians are usually sensitive souls, they like to open up and talk more about their feelings than other men from other cultures. In the end, they have Latin hearts and romance is a big thing for them.
Despite their fixed view on gender roles, they’re affectionate and caring, and usually, look for someone long-term to love until the end.
They love their kids, but usually, they’re not so present in raising them as they’re mostly away at work, and rarely do dads take paternity leave in Romania.
Dating a Romanian guy can be very nice and he will try to make you feel special (especially at the beginning) by showing up with flowers, and tiny gifts, will pay for your dates, and taking you on spontaneous road trips.
However, they do usually expect something in return.
They are good DIY-ers and great handymen, usually, they can fix everything around the house. It’s a general conception about Romanians: they will find a way to fix or solve anything in life.
Romanian men have a good sense of humor and the greatest thing is that they can laugh about themselves.
They love their food, and they’re especially meat lovers. Setting BBQs full of meat and sausages is one of their favorite activities to do in the summer.

Finally, you should also be aware, is that in rural areas where there are higher rates of illiterate people, Romanian men tend to drink more and this is when they can also become violent with “their” women. I’m not saying that this happens often, but it’s common to see on Romanian news channels, stories about physical abuse in families.
Dating Romanian men can be a wonderful experience or the worst experience of your life. It really depends on what type of men you’re stumbling onto.
Famous Romanian Men
Sebastian Stan

Sebastian Stan is a Romanian actor born in Constanta, but living in the USA, well known in the Hollywood world, having played in movies (including Marvel ones) and series like: Captain America: The Winter Soldier, The Falcon and the Winter Soldiers, Pam & Tommy, Gossip Girl, I Tonya, and more.
Gheorghe Hagi

Gheorghe Hagi is a renowned Romanian ex-football player that was known as “The Maradonna of the Carpathians” due to his incredible left-foot play, creative attacks, and tons of goals.
Photos showing the diversity of Romanian men

Photos of “the show off looking guy (“cocalar” in romanian)

Final thoughts
This article was a generalization, and every person is different as an individual. But I hope you enjoyed it and that it helped you find some of the answers you were looking for.
I recently met a Romanian man. I’m from South africa. And I’m telling you, the most attractive man I have ever seen. Exactly what I look for in a man. Tall, well build, dark hair. And that smile, to die for. Unfortunately something happened between us. Twice. Both of us are married. How do I get him to come back for more?